# How is Feminist conversation design different? This comment was posted to [the FutureLearn comments section](https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/designing-a-feminist-chatbot/1/steps/698353/comments?page=1#comment_48490272) in reply to the exercise of the same name. This quote from the Feminist Design Tool is a great summation. “A feminist approach to conversation design means using empathic, inclusive, accessible language, and providing opportunities for the user to specify how they would like to be addressed.” ## Feminist chatbot design versus Patriarchal design Feminist chatbot design would involve greater intersectionality, awareness of a broader range of stakeholders, and a broader range of positive outcomes. Instead, Patriarchal design might be focused on profit, zero-sum win conditions, or continuity of control. The designer might consider writing their script iteratively in an open-source environment, like GitHub, with invitations to community stakeholders to contribute to the script. They might consider prototype conversations where they take the place of the bot in a face-to-face situation with stakeholders. Anyone taking a broader approach to positive outcomes will face more challenges, but might find these offset by a broader range of solutions. Where Patriarchal approaches might require secrecy, a Feminist approach can allow stakeholder contributions. It's hard to label empathy as a challenge, but making it systematic is not well-covered in our education system. Overall, Feminist chatbot conversation design benefits stakeholders by considering a broader set of community members, a broader set of pain-points, and deliberately contributes positively to their future without stereotyping. This page is part of the [[Feminist Chatbot Main Page]].